01842 753122
Norwich Road, Kilverstone, Thetford, IP24 2RF

Welcome to Randale Care

Formed December 2014, Randale Care is a newly established care provider based near Thetford in Norfolk. The directors Andrew Baker and Neil Pettit have a long and successful history in the construction industry with a reputation for delivering exceptional housing projects throughout East Anglia. They are determined to bring their passion for excellence and quality to the care sector. To this end they have established a team of experienced and highly trained staff who are focused on enhancing the lives of all residents and clients by providing the best possible level of care.

Our aims:

  • We place the rights of our clients at the forefront of our philosophy of care.
  • We seek to advance privacy, independence, dignity, fulfilment and choice in all aspects of the environment and the services we provide.
  • We ensure through our recruitment and training policies that all members of our staff share in and promote our values.

New to the area? Thetford is a town really worth getting to know.

CLICK TO See all our latest   Testimonials




Kyle is entertaining us on 15th January

Red House 11am

Redgate House 2pm

Singer Charlie Wilson is coming in on the following dates

5th February Red House 10.30am

12th February Redgate 2.30pm

Next months church services are:

Redhouse 11th February2.30pm

Redgate House 13th February 2.30pm

Berts amazing creatures are returning on 18th February

redhouse 11 am redgate 1.30 pm      

Latest news from Randale Care

Happy New Year everyone

We had a super Christmas!

Fun and Games

Good shot !

Norwich Road School Choir

Now we are feeling Christmassy

We love the MiniDonks

Putting a smile on everyone’s face